
日期:2018-05-22 14:59

2018年第三期(总第二十七期)“钱学森国际杰出科学家系列讲座”将于5月23日在中科院自动化研究所举办。本期讲座邀请到加拿大滑铁卢大学Amir Khajepour作题为“Next Generation of Vehicle Control Systems”的报告。报告将着眼于汽车控制系统的发展和目前汽车工业面临的挑战。随着汽车通信、自主驾驶、传感系统和人工智能的快速变化,要求在车辆控制系统中采取更全面的方法来处理未来和当前新的发展。Amir Khajepour教授将介绍目前在机电车辆系统中用于开发下一代车辆控制系统的路线图。事例和道路试验结果表明,新的整体性方法可以提高车辆的安全性,减少开发时间和误差。

Amir Khajepour教授担任车辆机电一体化领域的Tier-1 Canada Research Chair以及在加拿大自然科学与工程研究理事会(NSERC)、通用汽车(General Motors)担任资深的整体车辆控制领域的研究主席。Amir Khajepour教授在几个关键的多学科领域开展了一个广泛的研究计划。他发表了超过450篇论文和会议出版物,8本专业书籍,并发表了许多主题演讲。他是加拿大工程研究院(Engineering Institute of Canada)院士、美国机械工程师学会(American Society of Mechanical Engineering)会士和加拿大机械工程师学会(Canadian Society of Mechanical Engineering)会士,并担任Journal of Mechatronics、International Journal of Vehicle Autonomous Systems、International Journal of Powertrain副主编。


Next Generation of Vehicle Control Systems


       时间:2018年5月23日 上午10:00-11:30

地址:北京中关村东路95号 智能化大厦三层 第三会议室



In this talk, we'll look at the evolution of vehicle control systems and the challenges currently the automotive industry is facing due to the fast changing of vehicle communication, autonomy, sensing systems, and artificial intelligence. These changes call for a more holistic approach in vehicle control systems to deal with the current and new developments in future.

We introduce a road map currently used at the Mechatronic Vehicle Systems in developing the next generation of vehicle control systems. Examples and road test results are presented to show how the new holistic approach could improve vehicle safety and reduce development time and errors.


Prof. Amir Khajepour holds the Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Mechatronics Vehicle Systems and Senior NSERC/General Motors Industrial Research Chair in Holistic Vehicle Control. He has developed an extensive research program that applies his expertise in several key multidisciplinary areas. His research has resulted in over 25 patents and patents applications, several technology transfers, and start up companies. He has published more than 450 journal and conference publications, 8 books, and has given many invited and keynote speeches. He is a recipient of the Engineering Medal from the Professional Engineering Ontario, three best paper awards, a fellow of the Engineering Institute of Canada, the American Society of Mechanical Engineering and the Canadian Society of Mechanical Engineering. He is Associate Editor of Journal of Mechatronics, the International Journal of Vehicle Autonomous Systems, and the International Journal of Powertrain.




